14 Mar 2025


Dell Computer Samsung SN-308b CD-ROM Driver

Company: Dell Computer
Model: Samsung SN-308b
Operating System: Mac OS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: D2R3101B.exe


Dell Computer Samsung SN-308b Driver. Firmware update for "Samsung SN 308B 8X Slim Combo Drive" Firmware, Multi OS, Multi Language, Multi System, v.U007, A02, Dell P/N 1G055 and 9G011

Release 10-17-02

-Addresses DVD-R issues

-Addresses issue with Diablo 2 game

-Addresses problem where drive will not spin down occasionally

-Optimizes writing to some brands of CD-R media

-Adds support for DVD+RW media.

The update will create a bootable diskette. You must have your Floppy A and CD-RW/DVD attached and must boot from this bootable floppy disk. This flash will update the drive's firmware to U007. The user will need to remove the floppy disc and then reboot the system before using the drive. If the firmware reflash fails ( e.g., system hangs, etc. ), reboot the system and try again at least twice.

File compatible with

Windows 2000

Windows 95

Windows 98

Windows Me

Windows NT 4.0

Windows XP

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 505020 03-19-02 17:08 DE2R3101.EXE 1235 03-19-02 17:08 MAKEDISK.BAT 967 02-04-02 17:11 makedisk.pif 36864 02-06-02 19:00 FDetect.exe -------- ---- 544086 4 files

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