12 Mar 2025


Freecom FC-CD-24EU CD-ROM Driver

Company: Freecom
Model: FC-CD-24EU
Operating System: DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: FCOM_DRV.zip


Freecom FC-CD-24EU Driver. This is a zip of a disk from freecom external cd ( 24 speed) disk titled


software for IQ-Cable

dos+windows nt4.o

Dos-installation FCINST

rev 733dos/nt

I hope this helps someone the 5 language notes.txt file is included

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 14963 01-18-96 11:40 ATAPI603.SYS 14991 03-06-96 12:28 ATAPI610.SYS 16376 10-15-96 12:23 ATAPI642.SYS 17510 03-04-97 12:49 ATAPI709.SYS 10011 02-07-97 19:45 CDPLAYER.COM 13731 09-13-96 14:05 DELO.TX$ 3502 05-30-91 20:13 DEVICE.COM 5 08-09-96 01:30 DISK1 1 10-21-93 11:17 DISK1.IDN 17534 06-13-97 12:05 FCATAPI.SYS 20987 05-16-97 18:52 FCFORMAT.EXE 141197 08-15-97 10:01 FCINST.EXE 1285 08-19-97 15:29 FCINST.INI 13621 08-06-97 16:02 FCLSCARD.SYS 25940 08-06-97 16:02 FCLSPAR.SYS 38912 03-26-97 10:01 FCPARIDE.SYS 18298 02-04-97 11:36 FCPCCARD.SYS 31757 08-05-97 15:38 FCPOINT.EXE 903 05-20-97 15:38 FCPOINT.INI 31034 03-28-96 16:04 G613.SYS 33232 06-13-97 12:45 G723.SYS 38439 08-19-97 14:54 INFO.TXT 10798 08-07-97 15:09 INSTALL.TXT 27998 08-26-96 06:35 K635.SYS 28842 01-22-97 22:12 K703.SYS 70906 08-15-97 13:08 LANGUAGE.TX$ 25513 05-31-94 06:22 MSCDEX.EXE 18449 07-31-97 13:38 OEMSETUP.INF 24585 04-19-96 12:15 POINT616.EXE 30474 04-23-97 16:02 POWER-CD.SYS 70 08-14-97 11:39 STARTPA.BAT 75 11-21-96 12:39 STARTPC.BAT 2676 07-31-97 13:37 TXTSETUP.OEM 29740 03-10-97 13:20 UNINST.EXE -------- ------- 774355 34 files

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