5 Feb 2025


OnSpec crx100e/x2 CD-ROM Driver

Company: OnSpec
Model: crx100e/x2
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: onusbpc.zip


OnSpec crx100e/x2 Driver. just unzip it to a floppy, if to large for a floppy down load it to a folder of your choice when windows auto detects your usb device point it to the floopy or folder of your choice where the drivers reside, it should work. this has onspecs latest usb drivers (onusbide.mpd, onclass.sys) good luck
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3910 01-10-00 11:46 onusbpc Folder.1/CDRW0008.BIN 0 02-05-00 17:59 onusbpc Folder.1/ENABLE.FIX 36 04-28-99 14:32 onusbpc Folder.1/ENABLE.OBJ 1768 01-30-00 10:18 onusbpc Folder.1/IDNB0008.BIN 3456 11-11-99 17:33 onusbpc Folder.1/ls12000f.bin 948 01-24-00 16:14 onusbpc Folder.1/ONCLASS.INF 31404 11-01-99 09:34 onusbpc Folder.1/onclass.sys 530 07-09-99 12:48 onusbpc Folder.1/ONEEPROM.INF 52776 08-02-99 05:48 onusbpc Folder.1/ONEEPROM.SYS 178688 02-05-00 17:44 onusbpc Folder.1/ONFLASH.DOC 1901 02-05-00 18:49 onusbpc Folder.1/ONFLASH.INI 38912 11-03-99 14:37 onusbpc Folder.1/ONPDUNIN.EXE 747 11-19-99 10:29 onusbpc Folder.1/ONSTRPDR.INF 9725 11-22-99 14:41 onusbpc Folder.1/onstrpdr.pdr 1354 03-25-99 13:38 onusbpc Folder.1/onstrwdm.inf 27636 11-22-99 14:41 onusbpc Folder.1/ONSTRWDM.sys 372 04-30-99 10:09 onusbpc Folder.1/ONUSBIDE.INI 21284 11-01-99 09:39 onusbpc Folder.1/onusbide.MPD 642 10-28-99 10:49 onusbpc Folder.1/ONUSBMPD.INF 390 11-03-99 13:03 onusbpc Folder.1/ONUSBPDR.INI 12 07-28-99 18:50 onusbpc Folder.1/OUTIN.FIX 228 07-28-99 18:50 onusbpc Folder.1/OUTIN.OBJ 485 02-05-00 17:38 onusbpc Folder.1/QTOOLS.INI 737 03-25-99 14:21 onusbpc Folder.1/QTUSB.INI 18 07-18-99 16:33 onusbpc Folder.1/TEST.FIX 780 07-18-99 16:33 onusbpc Folder.1/TEST.OBJ 26624 04-14-99 13:39 onusbpc Folder.1/USBUNIN.EXE 2 02-19-99 11:01 onusbpc Folder.1/ZERO.BIN -------- ------- 405365 28 files

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