30 Jan 2025


Sony Electronics CDU77E CD-ROM Driver

Company: Sony Electronics
Model: CDU77E
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SonyCDU77E.zip


Sony Electronics CDU77E Driver. I haven't tested this driver with any operating system other than Win 95b but there shouldn't be any reason that it doesn't work for any other Win 9x OS. The zip file includes the driver and some CD utilities such as lock, unlock, eject etc.

There is a setup.exe that I didn't actually use. I needed a boot disk so I manually setup the the autoexec.bat with

"MSCDEX /D MSCD001 /M 8"

and config.sys with

"DEVICE=atapi_cd.SYS /D MSCD001".

If you are making a boot disk, be sure to copy mscdex.exe and atapi_cd.sys to the floppy disk otherwise specify the path to the files on your hard drive.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 77144 04-26-02 13:06 cdu77e/ATAPI.EXE 29616 04-26-02 13:03 cdu77e/ATAPI_CD.SYS 33473 04-26-02 13:05 cdu77e/CDPLAY.EXE 7987 04-26-02 13:09 cdu77e/EJECT.COM 8849 04-26-02 13:09 cdu77e/LOAD.EXE 7987 04-26-02 13:09 cdu77e/LOCK.COM 40060 04-26-02 13:10 cdu77e/SETUP.EXE 7459 04-26-02 13:10 cdu77e/UNLOCK.COM 0 04-26-02 13:10 cdu77e/ -------- ------- 212575 9 files

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