14 Mar 2025


Archos MiniCDRWXS8424 CD-ROM Driver

Company: Archos
Model: MiniCDRWXS8424
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MiniCDRW.zip


Archos MiniCDRWXS8424 Driver. Looking for newer driver that "packet writes" better, saw dissatisfaction encountered with CDRW4.0a.exe.These drivers work fine for ordinary writing under Windows 98SE.Unzip to floppy and select appropriate .inf when prompted by Hardware Wiard
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 175 10-12-00 15:16 Ver.txt 34024 06-21-00 18:58 ARCCD.SYS 922 09-29-00 03:07 Arctpi.inf 16896 09-27-00 10:30 ARCTPI.MPD 20128 10-09-95 15:48 CHKINS.EXE 12504 12-02-97 14:13 CHKSUM.EXE 22048 08-30-00 01:05 COCPYINF.DLL 8 12-16-97 13:01 DISK1 105 10-24-95 00:44 INSTALL.BAT 4596 08-30-00 01:05 ISD200.INF 26930 08-30-00 01:05 ISD200.SYS 489 08-30-00 01:05 ISD200MP.INF 5989 08-30-00 01:05 ISD200MP.MPD 10023 08-30-00 01:05 ISD2HLP.VXD 925 08-30-00 01:05 ISDNTMAP.INF 1257 08-30-00 01:05 ISDSFLPY.INF 8055 08-30-00 01:05 ISDSFLPY.SYS 25582 05-31-94 03:22 MSCDEX.EXE 525 12-13-98 22:50 ReadDOS.txt 22776 10-07-95 18:33 SETINS.EXE 471872 05-31-99 19:18 StartDsk.exe 77394 08-30-00 01:05 UNISD200.EXE -------- ------- 763223 22 files

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