13 Mar 2025


NEC CDR 260 CD-ROM Driver

Company: NEC
Model: CDR 260
Operating System: Windows 95a (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: NECCDR260.zip


NEC CDR 260 Driver. Here's what you gotta' do with this little monster... extract the contents of this zip file to a blank floppy. Then (on an empty hard drive)install DOS. From DOS, run the 'install.exe' file from your new driver floppy. This will activate your CDR 260 so it will function. Here's the catch- it will only work under Win 3.x or Windows 95. After a week or so, WIN98 will not recognize it. That's the poop- hope it works for you! Blessings- Kevin <{{}}><
File Contents:
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