30 Jan 2025


Sony Electronics Sony Viao laptops CD-ROM Driver

Company: Sony Electronics
Model: Sony Viao laptops
Operating System: DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: V_boot.zip


Sony Electronics Sony Viao laptops Driver. This is the boot disk for the Sony Viao's that use the CDP-51 PCMCIA CD Rom unit - READ the Readme1st.TXT file first- this is a rare bit of software !!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 93812 02-13-02 12:32 COMMAND.COM 65058 04-10-01 03:13 PHDISK.EXE 65058 04-10-01 03:13 Phdisk.exe.xxx 8 04-10-01 03:14 FORMAT.ANS 27911 04-10-01 03:14 INSTALL.EXE 5096 04-10-01 03:14 INSTALL.TXT 13361 04-10-01 03:15 INSTALLW.COM 2785 04-10-01 03:15 IS-ILINK.COM 2449 04-10-01 03:15 IS-RXGA.COM 168 04-10-01 03:15 NO_ILINK.REG 900 04-10-01 03:15 RCD-CSTM.BAT 1045 04-10-01 03:15 UNPACK.TXT 17739 04-10-01 03:15 UNPACKW.COM 1459 04-10-01 03:16 XGA.HTT 1996 04-10-01 03:16 XGA.REG 31275 04-10-01 03:18 Unpack.exe 4096 04-10-01 03:24 ANK16.FNT 4864 04-10-01 03:24 ANK19.FNT 10551 04-10-01 03:25 ANSI.SYS 15848 04-10-01 03:25 ATACDROM.SYS 3175 04-10-01 03:25 BILING.SYS 3708 04-10-01 03:25 IFSHLP.SYS 22664 04-10-01 03:25 JDISP.SYS 22790 04-10-01 03:25 JFONT.SYS 22503 04-10-01 03:25 JKEYB.SYS 1494 04-10-01 03:25 JKEYBRD.SYS 260576 04-10-01 03:25 KANJI16.FNT 41336 04-10-01 03:26 Kanji24.fnt 36647 04-10-01 03:25 Himem.sys.xxx 74 04-10-01 03:11 AUTOEXEC.BAT 79948 04-10-01 03:12 FDISK.EXE 65143 04-10-01 03:12 FORMAT.COM 25878 04-10-01 03:12 MSCDEX.EXE 22887 04-10-01 03:12 SYS.COM 189 04-10-01 03:12 CONFIG.SYS 65271 02-13-02 12:32 DRVSPACE.BIN 36551 04-10-01 03:11 HIMEM.SYS 214836 02-13-02 12:32 IO.SYS 0 02-13-02 12:32 MSDOS.SYS 2019 02-19-02 10:06 Read1st.txt -------- ------- 1293168 40 files

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