14 Mar 2025


Hi Val H446EU-15R or CDRW446EU CD-ROM Driver

Company: Hi Val
Model: H446EU-15R or CDRW446EU
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: usb_110_Ext_USB_CD-RW_6x4x6.zip


Hi Val H446EU-15R or CDRW446EU Driver. Every other driver on this website for this device DOES NOT WORK with WINDOWS XP!! So this one I had to modify so it would work. When you get the warning about "logo testing" for the driver hit "continue anyway" and if it happens to ask you if you want to overwrite the older file in the System32 folder, click yes...

I spent a lot of time researching this particular device. i went thru every single driver I could find on the internet, none worked so I modified this one. If you need help please e-mail me.

External USB CD-ReWriter 6x4x6

Acer, BenQ, I/O Magic, Hi Val, misc.

this drive is marketed by several companies who brand it, I believe I/O Magic is the primary manufacturer, however there "tech support" was no help at all, along with all the other companies so called "tech support"!

Hope this saves someone from struggling at wits end like I did!

Aloha From Hawaii!!

File Contents:
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