13 Mar 2025


Optics Storage DOLPHIN 8000 AT CD-ROM Driver

Company: Optics Storage
Model: DOLPHIN 8000 AT
Operating System: DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: cdr112.zip


Optics Storage DOLPHIN 8000 AT Driver. The driver I first found on the site , the link doesn't work.Found it through the home page link.on this site.Haven't installed the driver yet ,so i don't know how it will work.I suspect once you install, it will cause your system to run in DOS compatability.From experience I have found witht the last driver I downloaded for an old CD-Rom that's the way it is.Hope it works for you!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 11604 06-08-94 15:29 CDR112.SYS 25471 03-02-95 12:00 MSCDEX.EXE 349485 04-15-94 08:17 INSTALL.EXE 139 07-07-94 17:01 INSTALL.DAT 6510 07-07-94 17:02 README.TXT -------- ------- 393209 5 files

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