5 Feb 2025


Exp Computer 420, 421, 620, 621, 820, 821, 940E(not 940), 2020 CD-ROM Driver

Company: Exp Computer
Model: 420, 421, 620, 621, 820, 821, 940E(not 940), 2020
Operating System: All Windows Versions (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Expcdm64.exe


Exp Computer 420, 421, 620, 621, 820, 821, 940E(not 940), 2020 Driver. This is for the PCMCIA card that says Soundnote on it.

Includes CDS-2020, CDS-420/421, CDS-620/621, CDS-820/821, CDS-940E(not CDS-940)

For DOS 6 or higher,Win3.x,Win95,Win98

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 70048 06-24-97 04:00 OS2WARP/INSTALL2.EXE 32844 06-24-97 04:00 OS2WARP/EXPCDM2.FLT 4105 09-16-97 18:21 WIN95/PCMMEDIA.INF 1000 10-01-96 04:00 WIN95/PCMCDM.INF 12800 03-15-96 04:00 WIN95/PCMCDM.MPD 2700 10-01-96 04:00 WIN95/PCMSND.INF 50736 03-15-96 04:00 WIN95/ES688P.DRV 22663 03-15-96 04:00 WIN95/ES688P.VXD 18800 03-15-96 04:00 WIN95/ESSFM.DRV 10768 03-15-96 04:00 WIN95/ESSMPORT.DRV 5 05-14-97 04:00 WINNT/DISK1 20806 05-14-97 04:00 WINNT/OEMSETUP.INF 256 05-14-97 04:00 WINNT/TXTSETUP.OEM 18592 05-14-97 04:00 WINNT/PCMCDI.SYS 196 12-29-97 14:39 COPYINF.BAT 5 05-14-97 04:00 DISK1 1308 02-19-97 14:02 DOS_CDM.PIF 1296 02-19-97 14:04 DOS_CDM.W95 2397 02-20-97 10:37 DOSMODE.BAT 50976 09-22-98 22:59 EXPCDM.EXE 117664 09-22-98 22:45 INSTALL.EXE 50736 03-15-96 04:00 ES688P.DRV 22663 03-15-96 04:00 ES688P.VXD 18800 03-15-96 04:00 ESSFM.DRV 10768 03-15-96 04:00 ESSMPORT.DRV 1000 10-01-96 04:00 PCMCDM.INF 12800 03-15-96 04:00 PCMCDM.MPD 4105 09-16-97 18:21 PCMMEDIA.INF 2700 10-01-96 04:00 PCMSND.INF -------- ------- 563537 29 files

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