12 Mar 2025


Adaptec Adaptec's ASPI Layer v4.60 (1021) CD-ROM Driver

Company: Adaptec
Model: Adaptec's ASPI Layer v4.60 (1021)
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ASPIDriversforWin2K.exe


Adaptec Adaptec's ASPI Layer v4.60 (1021) Driver. Unzip this file. It contains the drivers, a checking proggie and also an updating proggie. Once it is unzipped, just install them, restart your computer, check to make sure it worked properly. All of the drivers should be listed. Update them if you feel you need them updated and then from there, burn those magic disks. What these drivers are are the ASPI drivers that are required for a lot of CD-Burning programs that Windoze doesn't support. Windoze didn't include these drivers "for security purposes". These are a set of ACTUAL WORKING drivers. You will be happy that you got them!!!! It took me over three days of continuous looking to find these. It's frustrating to find something that doesn't work. You can now rest assured. These do, and they work great!!!!
File Contents:
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