12 Mar 2025


Benq DW-1620 CD-ROM Driver

Company: Benq
Model: DW-1620
Operating System: Not Applicable (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: DW-1620.fw.rar


Benq DW-1620 Driver. Benq DW-1620 BIOS/ Firmware Updates/Instructions

1. Firmware Check

Please use this tool to check your current firmware.

File name: fwcheck.zip

File size: 22. KB

Version: 1.0

Date: 04/May/2005


DVD Media Support List

Guideline for supported DVD+R / DVD-R Media on the DW1620 . Please use the latest firmware .

File name: DW1620_supported_DVD_Media_List.pdf

File size: 21. KB

Version: N/A


DVDMedia Overspeed Information and Guidelines

File name: DW1600_Over-Speed_Writing_Test.pdf

File size: 2.55 MB

Version: N/A

Date: 23/June/2005


DVDMedia Overspeed Information and Guidelines

DW-1620 Overspeed DVDMedia Media List

File name: Overspeed_DVDMedia_List.txt

File size: 0.4 KB

Version: N/A

Date: 23/June/2005


DW-1620 Firmware Flash User Guide

User Guide for Flashing the Firmware of a BenQ DVDRewriter. Please read carefully before flashing !!

File name: Firmware_Flash_User_Guide.doc

File size: 416 KB

Version: 1.0



Firmware Updates V.B7xx for Benq DW1620 Drives.

Release Notes:

1. Supported higher PI/PO/Jitter reading speed with certain

software (DVDInfo Pro v3.32 & CD-DVD Speed v3.42)

2. Modified the writing strategy for TY CD-R media.

3. Fixed the compatibility issue with n-Force IDE driver.

File name: B7M9.zip

File size: 919 KB

Version: B7M9

Date: 01/Nov/2004


Release Notes:

1. Support Ricoh DVD+R DL [RICOHJPN D00] media.

2. Modify the writing strategy for both DVD+R & DVD-R media.

3. Support CCCD media playback.

File name: B7T9.zip

File size: 933 KB

Version: B7T9

Date: 11/March/2005


Release Notes:

1. Improve **** algorithm.

2. Improve the writing quality for MKM DVD+R DL media.

File name: B7U9.zip

File size: 940 KB

Version: B7U9



Release Notes:

1. Improved the compatibility with nForce chipset.

2. Fixed "no data found" issue of a CD-R disc which burnt by Nero and Simulation mode is selected media.

3. Added support for MJC 16x DVD+R, Giga 16x DVD-R & Ritek 16x DVD-R F1 media.

File name: B7V9.zip

File size: 942 KB

Version: B7V9

Date: 15/April/2005


1. Improvement of writing strategies.

File name: B7W9.zip

File size: 946 KB

Version: B7W9

Date: 05/Sept/2005


Firmware Update For G7xx Firmware Drives.

Release Notes:

1. Supported higher PI/PO/Jitter reading speed with certain software (DVDInfo Pro v3.32 & CD-DVD Speed v3.42)

2. Modified the writing strategy for TY CD-R media.

3. Fixed the compatibility issue with n-Force IDE driver.

File name: G7M9.zip

File size: 919 KB

Version: G7M9

Date: 01/Nov/2004


Release Notes:

1. Support Ricoh DVD+R DL [RICOHJPN D00] media.

2. Modify the writing strategy for both DVD+R & DVD-R media.

3. Support CCCD media playback.

File name: G7T9.zip

File size: 933 KB

Version: G7T9

Date: 11/March/2005


Release Notes:

1. Improved the compatibility with nForce chipset.

2. Fixed "no data found" issue of a CD-R disc which burnt by Nero and Simulation mode is selected.

3. Added support for MJC 16x DVD+R, Giga 16x DVD-R & Ritek 16x DVD-R F1 media.

File name: G7V9.zip

File size: 942 KB

Version: G7V9


This rar file contains the above listed 8 firmware files plus 5 txt/pdf/doc files.

This is the current listed firmware files from Benq as of 31/Jan/2011.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

Click here to go back to Benq list.


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