Model: CDI001068-00
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: SONY222A.EXE
Micron CDI001068-00 Driver. Sony 32x IDE CD-ROM Drive
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
28976 04-12-95 14:45 ATAPI_CD.SYS
33473 02-10-94 03:10 CDPLAY.EXE
7987 01-17-91 14:23 EJECT.COM
8849 06-23-81 10:23 LOAD.EXE
7987 01-17-91 14:23 LOCK.COM
29378 02-01-93 03:04 PKUNZIP.EXE
2214 11-03-94 12:19 README.TXT
40060 11-21-94 09:47 SETUP.EXE
7459 01-17-91 14:23 UNLOCK.COM
-------- ----
166383 9 files