23 Feb 2025


LG Electronics DRN8080B CD-ROM Driver

Company: LG Electronics
Model: DRN8080B
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: D6F38703.exe


LG Electronics DRN8080B Driver. This is a firmware update from Dell for an Inspiron 8000 w/ XP Pro (as long as you have a drn8080b, it should work). It didn't recognize music files before I updated the driver but now it does. You need a formatted disk for this to work. Once you open the .exe file, load the diskette into your diskdrive and follow the instructions. When it asks you if you want to write to the disk and that all info will be lost, type "y" and hit return. Once finished, restart the system and leave the disk in. It will boot up with Windows 98 (don't be alarmed) and eventually ask if you want to install the program. Highlight and choose download/update/? I'm not sure the exact verbage but once chosen, it will start to update the firmware for the drive itself. After the A prompt is displayed, take the disk out, reboot hitting control/alt/delete, and try the drive.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 515008 03-11-02 18:35 DE6F3871.EXE 1235 03-11-02 18:35 MAKEDISK.BAT 967 02-04-02 17:11 makedisk.pif 36864 02-06-02 19:00 FDetect.exe -------- ---- 554074 4 files

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