14 Mar 2025


Addonics Technologies AEECD24X CD-ROM Driver

Company: Addonics Technologies
Model: AEECD24X
Operating System: MSDOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pcd300xy.zip


Addonics Technologies AEECD24X Driver. DOS and Windows driver files for external Parallel port CDROM. Could not find this file on Addonics' site, but they emailed it to me.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 18438 03-23-97 16:59 OEMSETUP.INF 44544 01-16-98 12:17 CDR.doc 22272 01-13-97 13:31 CDRES.DAT 4 03-04-97 11:44 DISK1 303 02-11-97 12:06 DYNAATA.INF 11840 12-01-97 12:59 DYNAICON.EXE 1835 03-22-96 17:46 FINDIRQ.EXE 46592 02-16-98 12:46 ATAPI.doc 1371 01-07-97 20:27 QUARTA95.INI 162304 04-09-98 12:53 QUARTA95.MPD 162816 04-09-98 12:52 quartant.sys 11787 11-05-97 09:59 README.TXT 157010 04-09-98 12:28 SETUP.EXE 15532 02-02-98 15:08 SN32LAN.INF 525 03-30-97 15:50 SWISNIFE.CNT 327680 04-09-98 12:56 SWISNIFE.EXE 40642 02-04-98 01:52 SWISNIFE.HLP 2690 07-21-97 07:12 TXTSETUP.OEM 82237 12-04-97 12:37 UNINST.EXE 212992 03-27-97 12:36 WAUDIO.EXE -------- ---- 1323414 20 files

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