12 Mar 2025


Adaptec ANY WINDOWS version CD-ROM Driver

Company: Adaptec
Model: ANY WINDOWS version
Operating System: Other (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: aspi_v472a2.exe


Adaptec ANY WINDOWS version Driver. Use this driver to solve IDE problems with CD-ROM type hardware. go to www.adaptec.com to get a never version
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 84832 07-17-02 17:20 aspi64.sys 15019 07-07-98 16:21 include/scsidefs.h 14418 07-07-98 16:21 include/scsidefs.inc 14806 07-07-98 16:34 include/srb16.h 22490 11-02-01 16:09 include/srb32.h 13805 11-27-01 22:15 include/srbcmn.h 14783 07-17-02 16:54 apix46.vx_ 11997 07-17-02 09:53 aspi2k.sy_ 16752 07-17-02 18:28 aspi32.sy_ 111519 12-18-01 12:45 Docs/aspi32.pdf 13876 12-19-01 09:21 Docs/aspiinst.pdf 245760 07-17-02 17:20 aspichk.exe 65536 07-17-02 17:21 aspinit.exe 16512 07-17-02 10:05 aspixp.sys 2566 07-17-02 17:21 install.bat 49152 07-17-02 17:22 reg_xp.exe 4455 07-17-02 17:22 winaspi.dl_ 22869 07-17-02 10:20 wnaspi2k.dl_ 22869 07-17-02 18:31 wnaspi32.dl_ 22867 07-17-02 17:03 wnaspi46.dl_ 22879 08-27-01 19:33 wnaspi64.dl_ 45056 07-17-02 17:23 wnaspi64.dll 45056 07-17-02 11:03 wnaspixp.dll 3535 07-17-02 17:22 wowpost.ex_ -------- ---- 903409 24 files

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